Life is Our Mirror: A Path to Healing and Personal Growth with the Prism of Creation
Jan 28, 2025
When I first encountered the phrase "the world around us is our mirror," it struck a chord of irritation within me. I didn't understand it, and I was focused on wanting to maintain order and control in my life. Looking back, it’s almost laughable, but at the time, it didn’t seem so funny.
Now looking through the lens of experience, I realize this is an amazingly empowering universal truth. in fact, it holds the key to unlocking a more harmonious, healthy, joy filled life.
But what exactly does this phrase mean? Let’s dive deeper, because the sooner we fully embrace it, the more ease and synchronicity will flow into our lives. Who wouldn’t want to invite more of that?
What Is the Mirror Effect?
We are here, in this life, for specific reasons: for our soul to grow and to help make the world a better place. This spiritual dynamic is amplified if helping others grow is a part of our journey. This process of soul growth is the essence of why we are here.
When we are born, we are in a state of oneness with everything around us. We are fully present, sensory beings experiencing the world in the now—hunger, warmth, love, loneliness, and everything in between.
However, as we move through childhood, things begin to shift. We learn “the right way” to navigate life, often by using our minds to control or judge our emotions and impulses. Over time, we pick up coping mechanisms—some healthy, others not so much—that shape what we experience in our lives and how we interact with the world.
For example, we may learn to suppress our emotions, withdraw inwardly to avoid vulnerability, or push our feelings down into our bodies (often manifesting as physical discomfort like chronic stomach aches). We may fear rejection, avoid taking risks, or hesitate to speak up. These coping strategies are learned as we try to make sense of the world around us.
By the time we’re six or seven years old, about 80% of how we view the world is set in our subconscious mind. This is because children are highly impressionable, absorbing everything they see and hear without conscious filtering. They freely adopt the good, the bad, and everything in between. This sets the stage for subconscious beliefs and patterns.
The Subconscious Filters That Shape Our Reality
By the time we are a young adult, we have many patterns and thoughts, most subconscious, that we are not aware of, that we did not consciously choose, and that we are not sure how to access.
I call these filters.
Beliefs, thoughts, emotions, ways of reacting, ways of viewing the world, interpretations of interactions between people…these are all subjective and vary greatly based on our past.
You can think of these filters as our personality.
But here’s the thing.
These filters govern the way we experience our life. They govern our health. They govern our abundance. And our soul wants to heal the ones that are not serving us.
Let’s take a simple example of “my body is not strong and healthy.”
How can this subconscious belief be healed?
Healing and Transforming Subconscious Beliefs
The process of healing begins with awareness. Once we recognize a limiting belief, we can choose to reject it—acknowledge that it no longer serves us and is based on outdated or false assumptions.
The next step is to consciously reframe that belief. For example, if the belief is “I’m not healthy,” we can choose to embrace a new thought, such as “I am strong and healthy.” It’s not enough to just think this new belief; we must align our actions with it—eating healthier, exercising, and living a life that supports vitality.
How does transformation occur? Our body forces us to take the first step by attracting situations that make us feel unhealthy so we can ‘work though’ the situation and get to the other side. This is the ‘mirror’ effect. What we need to heal, we will attract.
So, if you have an unhealthy belief about your body, your reality might bring situations that challenge your health, pushing you to face and heal these limiting beliefs.
This is the path of healing.
The Prism of Creation
Let’s take this one step further. The filters, beliefs, past we carry within us are like a prism. Our creative power comes through these filters, this prism, and creates our reality, designed to heal whatever we are carrying that is not serving us.
If we don’t realize what is happening, the lessons repeat, getting louder and louder each time, until we ‘hear’ them. If we work through these filters and lessons, they can dissolve, leaving ‘I am healthy’ for instance, in their place.
This is how we consciously create.
Many of our physical and mental ailments are designed to help us take these steps to clarify our prism of creation. Left unhealed, these start to impact our physical body and start resulting in dis-ease.
Think of your subconscious beliefs as a prism through which your creative energy flows. This prism shapes your reality, creating situations that help you heal and grow. If you don’t recognize and work through these lessons, they repeat—becoming louder and more persistent—until you address them.
As you heal and release outdated beliefs, new, healthier beliefs begin to take root. For instance, shifting from “I’m unhealthy” to “I am healthy” allows you to create a life that aligns with this new truth.
Embracing the Healing Journey
Many of our physical and emotional challenges are designed to help us clarify this prism and align our reality with our highest potential. If left unhealed, these patterns can manifest as physical illness or dis-ease, signaling the need for growth and transformation.
So, I invite you to reflect on the dynamics in your life that may be holding you back. Give yourself permission to release these limiting filters, cleanse your subconscious, and embrace the growth and healing waiting for you.
If you're ready to heal the subconscious filters that no longer serve you—especially those affecting your physical and emotional well-being—I’d love to help. Let’s connect and begin the transformative journey together.
Heal from Within: Discover the Power of Energy Clearing Sessions
If you are ready to take your healing to the next level and find the health you seek, I invite you to book a session with a professional energy worker or learn more through workshops and courses that can teach you how to bring energy healing into your every-day life. Your body will thank you!